Effortless Cash Flow Forecasting

Transform your forecasting process with accurate, real-time predictions for the next 30, 60 and 90 days.

Cash flow forecasting can often become a complicated mess of Excel spreadsheets, Google Sheets, and scattered data from various banks and accounting platforms. But with SimplyCashFlow.io, you can simplify this process and get instant, accurate forecasts with ease.

Benefits and Features

Unlike other tools, SimplyCashFlow.io eliminates the need for complex templates and manual data entry. Our platform automatically collects and normalizes data from major accounting platforms, providing a seamless and efficient cash flow forecast.

While other tools require extensive setup, SimplyCashFlow.io delivers detailed cash flow forecasts within just 60 seconds of connecting your accounting platform. Quickly understand your current cash flow health and get accurate predictions for the next 60 and 90 days.

Our scenario planning tool goes beyond basic forecasting, allowing you to simulate various financial scenarios. Predict the impact of new revenues, expenses, and payroll changes on your cash flow, enabling you to make informed and strategic business decisions.

SimplyCashFlow.io leverages AI to provide personalized cash flow recommendations. Ask our AI any question about your cash flow and receive instant, actionable insights to optimize your financial management.

Stay ahead of your cash flow needs with real-time reporting. Unlike competitors that rely on outdated data, our platform ensures you have the most current information at your fingertips, empowering you to act swiftly and confidently.

Designed with simplicity in mind, our intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to use, even without financial expertise. Avoid complicated charts and jargon, and understand your cash flow status and forecasts at a glance.

Ready to transform your cash flow forecasting process? Experience the simplicity and accuracy of SimplyCashFlow.io today.

Connect with Your Preferred Accounting Software

SimplyCashFlow.io seamlessly integrates with: